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Did you know a mom now can't deliver a baby in NINE Pennsylvania counties?

March 04, 2025

Maternity deserts are one of the more pressing issues Gov. Shapiro is not publicly addressing in rural Pennsylvania. We need to make sure the PA Department of Health and Department of Human Services are using resources to identify solutions.

The demand for energy is increasing and PA's energy jobs from private investment is decreasing.

February 27, 2025

Using the DEP’s math, $400 million from DC will create 6,000 jobs, and PA's loss of $7 billion in private investment has cost us 100,000 jobs. I discussed the current business environment in the energy industry with the Department of Environmental Protection. It can’t be argued that we are losing great paying jobs to neighboring states. We must reverse this trend and win like our neighboring states.

Elementary kids should not have to ride a Port Authority Transit (PAT) bus to get to school.

February 24, 2025

Some public schools are using a loophole to keep the funding allocated for student transportation, and offering charter school students PAT bus tickets in place of the traditional yellow school bus. Students should be treated equally regardless of riding to a public or charter school. It is disappointing the state must pass a law to end this dangerous practice. I got to ask the Secretary of Education about this loophole during budget hearings.

Public transit funding is WAY out of whack!

February 19, 2025

In Philadelphia, you can ride the rail all over the city for no charge. Here in Westmoreland, it’ll cost you $4 to get from Greensburg to New Stanton, one way. During the budget hearing with PennDOT, I brought up that Gov. Shapiro wants to allocate over $1 billion, or 10% of the Commonwealth’s sales tax, for public transit. But 82% of that would go transit authorities in Philly and Pittsburgh.

Discussing Gov. Shapiro’s 2025-26 Budget Proposal

February 04, 2025

Gov. Shapiro’s presented his “whopper” of a budget that increases Harrisburg spending to $51.47 billion! Rep. Nelson agrees with some of his priorities, but is concerned with the overall amount of the proposal. Rep. Nelson knows we can’t spend what we don’t have!

Policy Hearing Addresses Energy

January 30, 2025

As the Deputy Policy Committee Chair for Energy, Rep. Nelson was part of a 3-week cycle of policy hearings titled “Stopping New Energy Taxes.” The PA House GOP Policy Committee kicked off the series of hearings by discussing unfavorable energy policies and how they negatively impact consumers and businesses, and drive investments outside of Pennsylvania. Watch the entire Jan. 30 hearing at

Double Voting Must Be Addressed

October 01, 2024

Several members of the Pennsylvania House Republican Caucus assembled in Harrisburg to call attention to double voting, the action of voters casting ballots in Pennsylvania as well as in other states during the same election, and to urge Gov. Josh Shapiro’s administration to proactively launch an awareness campaign to educate voters on the legal penalties associated with this felony crime.

The Spending Exceeds Revenues

March 07, 2024

Rep. Eric Nelson asks Sec. Monson’s view of the projections by both the Independent Fiscal Office and the Department of Revenue who have reported expenditures are exceeding revenues in future budgets.

Sustaining Hospitals in Rural Pennsylvania

March 06, 2024

Rep. Eric Nelson asks what measures DHS can take to ensure hospital sustainability in rural Pennsylvania, specifically for maternal health.

Funding for Public Transit in PA

March 04, 2024

Rep. Eric Nelson asks PennDOT Sec. Carroll if the Public Transit Funding Formula is working or needs to be revised to ensure equity before adding the proposed $283 million in spending.

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